Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 18: Write a “Bucket List” for Turning 30

Day 18: Write a “Bucket List” for Turning 30


It seems I got a little behind in posting although I have been doing my one new thing a day, so all you lucky readers get three posts today.

I’m turning 29 this week. I don’t think I’m old at all but I have noticed that I’m suddenly an adult and I have no idea when this happened! When did all night parties and eating 5-pizzas after finishing a term paper turn into paying bills and watching my weight? It just happened – Life just happens.

I want to set up some defined goals to meet before I turn 30 because as Ferris Buller says “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could just miss it.”

How does this have to do with weight loss? Having clear purposes allows you to set goals and baby steps to reach those goals. Knowing what you want and don’t want out of life helps define these goals.

Writing this list proved harder than I thought but here’s what I’ve come up with so far.

Be able to run a mile in under 10 minutes with out stopping. (This is something I could do in middle school and I know I could do again with some dedication and training.)
Maintain my goal weight. (I’ve been told over and over it’s not all about the numbers. At this point I don’t have an exact weight I want to be but I know I want to be able to maintain that weight.)
Cook a nice meal with no help and no meltdowns – I don’t think an explanation is needed.
Learn how to apply make- up. (I know how to wear makeup and I can put it on. But I would like to learn how to do “smoky eyes and dewy cheeks”.)
Keep a plan alive. (Yes, I killed the herbs. They weren’t 100% dead and I watered them every other day! One was turning all brown and the other had mold in the soil. Damn you brown thumb!)
Love my hair! (Anyone who knows me knows I don’t love my hair but here’s the thing – it’s the only hair I’ve got. So I want to embrace it and love it!)

I’ve got a little over a year to start working – here it goes!

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