Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 12: Work On My Posture

Day 12: Work On My Posture (Saturday)

I have AWFUL posture. I think I would be a good two inches taller if I just didn’t slouch but for some reason this has always been really hard for me. I don’t want to look like The Hunch Back of Notre Dame so I thought I should work on standing up straight.

If you google “Good Posture” you will find numerous links stating that good posture will help reduce back pain. There are how to’s on standing up straight and exercise you can do to improve your posture.

If you then google “Good Posture Thin” guess what . . . standing up straight makes you look thinner! This comes as no surprise to me – celebrities and models have amazing posture and look thin. Not only does good posture make you look leaner and longer but confident as well. It’s a small adjustment that can help so much.

For me slouching is the norm. I noticed that I really have to be conscious of standing up straight or even sitting up straight. We were in the car and I noticed I was hunched over so I made the effort to sit up. Five minutes later I noticed I was hunched over again. I don’t think this is a behavior I can change over night. I think it’s something I will have to work on every day.

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