Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Check out my new blog!
If you go to you'll be able to see my new blog and start following "al things lovely".
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day 30: Shopping Sales
A couple of weeks ago I was at my local A&P Grocery Store and noticed the lady in front of me saved $30!
If you’re like my groceries add up, especially when trying to eat healthy. Most weeks I save about five dollars using coupons or my A&P card. This week I wanted to see if I could save more.
On Friday I went to and looked thru the circular listing sale items. I made my list and planned out my weekly recipes around these items. I found it hard to weed thru the items and only pick the ones I knew we would eat. As Chip says “don’t buy it if we don’t need it”.
My weekly menu is as follows:
Monday – Steak with Asparagus. Both items were on sale and I wouldn’t normally cook steak. I found a Weight Watchers recipe for the steak and it’s only 6 points per serving
Tuesday – Salad topped with Chicken. The pre-made salad in a bag was 2 for 5 and the chicken was on sale. I did splurge on some additional items like tomato and avocado.
Wednesday – Crab Cakes with salad. The pre-made crab cakes were on sale for $3.99 each and I’ll use the second bag of salad.
Thursday – Eggs. These weren’t on sale.
I was so proud of myself. Then we checked out. I only saved $5!
I have to admit that I was disappointed my planning didn’t yield more cash-back but in the end I realized that by shopping the sale items I was able to branch out what I would eat for dinner. Normally I would never buy steak or crab cakes but by reading the weekly circular I was given new ideas.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mixin' It Up!
When it comes to food I can act like a 6-year-old. I don’t like things to touch. I like to eat foods in a certain order. The strangest part is that this only applies to food I cook. There are no rules when dining out aside from “I don’t care for mushrooms”.
My morning breakfast usually consists of fruit and a ½ cup of original Fiber 1 Cereal. I eat the fruit first (around 8:45am) and hold out until around 9:15 to eat the dry Fiber 1. I’ve done this same routine for the last two to three years. Needless to say it’s getting old.
I felt inspired this morning. I mixed together cut-up strawberries, ½ cup Fiber 1 and ½ cup of skim milk and ate it all togetherskim milk and ate it all together.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dry Feet, Happy Mer
Yes, I still have “Day 30” to complete but in the mean time here’s a brief post.
This will be my 6th winter in NYC. I have worn regular Uggs every winter and thus they have a huge hole in the toe. Snowy, salty streets + soft Uggs = wet feet. I’ve wanted a pair of snow boots for a while but always find some sparkly outfit that I buy instead. (Very responsible I know.)
Last week I took the plunge and found these awesome boots (they look just like a version from Ugg) at Target for around $40!
This winter my feet will stay dry and my spirit will stay happy and healthy.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bind This!~
I love lists. Color-coding is my best friend. Checking things off the list is second best to my wedding day.
When I am organized I am happy, less stressed out and thus eat less. This past weekend I started the massive project of organization the dreaded “paper pile”.
Like most New Yorkers I have an apartment with limited space. Much of that space is taken up by stacks of magazines: on the side table, on the coffee table, in the magazine stand, on the floor. I save them because I think I will read them again or they have an interesting article I want to save but most nights I just stare at the mess they cause.
(Side note on what motivated me to be get organized. On Friday I stumbled upon an old college friends blog.
Christi is one of those people I look at and think “you have it all together”. I want to be that person. I took about three hours and read thru her blog. She has wonderful recipes, DIY tips, decorating ideas and lists for days. This inspired me! There are so many projects I’ve wanted to do but somehow each weekend I end up on my couch doing nothing. With a little push I am going to seize control of my life one list at a time, one project at time.)
On Sunday I decided to dive into my first project – the magazines had to go!
Chip gave me a three-ring binder that he wasn’t using and I separated it into tabs: clothing, DIY, make-up, organization, decorating, parties, work-outs, random. I went thru every magazine and tore out pages I wanted to save. (Some issues date back over a year and with a fashion magazine that means the styles are way out of date!) I put each page into the appropriate section and now I have all my ideas saved into one place!

I did this same projects with my Weight Watchers recipes. This will save so much time when I think "what should we have for dinner"?

No, my apartment doesn’t feel like the space of a two-story house but if does feel less cluttered and so does my life.
Day 28: Clowning Around
Just because I haven’t posted doesn’t mean I haven’t done new things!
On October 13th I went to “Clown School”. It was my good friend Sam’s birthday and for her party we all got lessons on how to be funny. Now yours truly is already funny so this all came pretty easy to me. In high school I was voted “funniest girl senior”. There was also a “wittiest girl senior”. I asked a friend the difference and was told “someone who’s witty says something humorous that people laugh at, where as someone funny does something humorous that people laugh at.” We’re talking physical comedy.
My brand of physical comedy is accidental. I trip, people laugh. My skirt gets blown over my head in rush-hour traffic, people laugh.
Clown School taught us to hone our physical comedy. We did an hours worth of activities all of which we were on our feet, moving around. (I knew you were asking how this promoted weight loss.) Our final project was to do a short clown skit. I paired up with Blaine (who is a comedy genius) and we did “smart clown, dumb clown” and nailed it!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 27: Go To The Metropolitan Museum of Art
I thought I had never been to The Met but my mom reminded me I had when I was young. I don’t remember so this counts as new.
I didn’t realize how massive The Met was. You could spend multiple days in there and not see everything, meaning you could probably walk multiple miles and not see everything.

Chip and I only had a few hours so we went to the 19th and 20th Century wing – we both really like impressionism. We also went to the Egyptian and American wings.
We were both very sore from the party the day before. I mean VERY sore. Just walking thru the museum hurt and going out and down all the stairs was brutal. In high school there was a sign in the gym that read “Pain is weakness leaving your body”. Is this is true my body couldn’t be weaker.
I enjoyed the museum but would recommend going on a day or time where it wasn’t crowded. A rainy, Sunday afternoon was probably not the best time to go.
Walking around The Met was good physical and mental exercise. I can’t believe I’ve lived in NYC over five years and it’s taken me so long to go.
Day 26: Act Like A Kid
For our birthdays Chip and I had a party at Chelsea Piers which included; pedestal jousting, dodge ball, gymnastics, rock climbing and an obstacle course!

We had 22 people in attendance and I think everyone had a blast although no one realized how hard it would all be.
The games were fun and reminiscent of a middle school field day. The jousting let us beat the crap out of each other while laughing at the same time.
I can’t believe I got such a great work out playing kids games. The two hours went by really fast and I had a great time!
Day 25: Score TWO goals at soccer
Obviously this wasn’t planned but it’s a new thing for me and I’m super excited about it.
I’ve been playing on a coed soccer team on and off for the last 3+ years. In that time I can count on one hand the number of goals I’ve scored total (and I play forward).
I continue playing because it’s a fun way to hang out with friends and a good work out. Last season I started walking from my office (42nd and 2nd) to the field (23rd and West Side Highway) which adds to the “activity points”.
Friday night I was on fire. I played as if my body was possessed by Beckham. I had moves I’ve never seen – headers, two goals, two almost goals. I’m still sore from all the fantasticness.
It felt good to play well. Eating well and working out help me with my stamina which makes me a better player. I hope I can play this well next game.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day 22 (Make-Up): Make a new work-out playlist
I like to work out to angry music. Think Metallica, Guns ‘N Roses, Drowning Pool – you get the points. It makes me run harder and feel tough.
But there are some days when I just want a light work-out – a walk, the bike, etc . . . on these days I want to feel good about working out and feel happy. So I’ve decided to put together a Pop-Tunes Work-Out Mix.
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Party In the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus
Circus by Britney Spears
I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Poker Face by Lady GaGa
Just A Girl by No Doubt
Womanizer by Britney Spears
Not only do I have the start of an awesome play-list but I love the fact it’s all female artists!
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Day 24: Bake WW Dessert For Co-Workers
I LOVE to bake. Usually I bake a tasty treat made with at least two sticks of butter and a good deal of flour and sugar. Decoded – not good for you.
To try and save my waistline I attempt to eat one or two and bring the rest to work.
My office is full constantly broke, starving twenty-somethings who are more than happy to eat anything free. Needless to say baked goods don’t last long. The one catch to this is that things that are good for you are never taken. I once witness a peach sit on the communal counter for 4 days. It started out beautifully peachy and ended up brown and rotted. Bottom line healthy is not popular.
Today I brought in Weight Watchers Caramel cookies that I made last night. I didn’t tell anyone they were Weight Watchers knowing they would be turned off.
I put the bag down at 8:30 am and immediately three people grabbed cookies. Everyone thought they were good and asked about the recipe – I dodged giving an answer I didn’t want to spoil their sugary treat.

By 10:10 am two-thirds of the bag was gone.
By 1:55 there was one cookie left.

Looks like everyone loved the cookies – “healthy” or not. I thought they were tasty and felt a little bit better about myself knowing they weren’t as calorie-packed as your average baked good!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Another Ooooppps: Day 23 (make up Day 21)
In the first week of this adventure I set out to cook an all Weight Watchers Meal for my friends with out their knowing. Due to bad weather and a day-long trip to the bar this “new thing” never got done.
Today I cooked for Jenn, Sam and Chip. I could tell you I did it all by myself but that would be a lie. I have wonderful friends who like to pitch in and help. As we didn’t eat until 9pm I’m glad I took the help.
I made Au Gratin potatoes, Tilapia with a cherry almond topping, and asparagus. The meal was time consuming and delicious.

Sam and Chip couldn’t believe the potatoes were a Weight Watchers recipe. They were creamy, cheesy and flavorful. If that wasn’t good enough an entire serving was only 3 points!
The fish was also 3 points.
I cooked the asparagus by steaming it (no olive oil) so that was 0 points.
In total the meal was 6 points.
Overall last night was a success. It shows that cooking healthy doesn’t have to taste like dirt. Most times people don’t know when you substitute light cheese or butter for the full-fat real thing. A tip from Jenn was to add in spices of herbs to recipes as they are 0 points as well. We added some rosemary to the potatoes and it made them extra delicious!
Most people will love the fact that you took the time to cook a homemade meal and the fact that it's good for you is the icing on the cake!
As I was a slacker this week I did two new things today so this is the make-up post for Day 21.
In my Tuesday Weight Watchers meeting a lovely woman told us about how she write five daily affirmations/positive thoughts a day before bed. She said it makes a huge difference going to bed optimistic.
So starting today I’m going to accept this challenge.
Wednesday 9/23:
My outfit looked awesome today!
I fit into a skirt I haven’t been able to wear in months!
I have wonderful, supportive, amazing friends!
It’s my birthday week and I actually like getting older!
I am getting better at cooking!
When I look at this list I realize I have a kick-butt life! It’s so simple to get bogged down in the day-to-day drama. When the work is piling up, you’re binging on chocolate and you have a zit anyone would want to crawl into a cave and hibernate. However, when you lay out the GOOD in life you tend to see that the bad will pass.
Dear Blog,
I haven't forgotten about you, life just got in the way.
I swear I'll make this up to you! How about I do TWO new things today and TWO new things tomorrow?
Would that make you happy? Yes? It's a deal!
Look for a new post today which details TWO new adventures.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Day 20: Revamp a Recipe
I love Macaroni and Cheese. It’s creamy cheesy deliciousness!
It’s also awful for you.
My challenge today was to take a Mac & Cheese recipe and swap out ingredients to make it healthier.
I chose Ina Garten’s (aka Food Network’s Barefoot Contessa) recipe.
The first thing I did was to point this out using Weight Watcher’s etools recipe builder. It came out to 38 points per serving – OUCH!
The next step was to start substituting ingredients. I halfed the portion of bacon and used turkey bacon instead. I choose a 75% fat free cheddar and used Laughing Cow Swiss instead of the Gruyere. I did use regular Blue Cheese. I also subbed low-fat milk and light butter. Finally I didn’t use bread, I used already made bread crumbs.
Ina’s recipe makes two servings. I turned mine casserole dish into eight servings. It was the perfect side to veal and broccoli and came out to only five points!
Was it as good as I expected? No.
But it wasn’t bad.
That being said it was my first attempt at basically making up a recipe. I can’t wait to experiment with this again. Next time I will eliminate the bacon and use either a few drops of truffle oil or a low fat cream cheese instead. I found the dish a bit dry so I want to give it some moisture.
This was a great way to improve my confidence in the kitchen. I was also able to see how point-filled some recipes can be but how easy it is to make a few changes to make healthy alternatives.
Day 19: Take a Walking Tour of NYC
This started out as my friends and I were to sign up for a guided walking out of The Five Points, Chinatown and The Lower East Side. Due to the tour guide being unavailable I ended up buying her book “Inside The Apple” which features 14 self-guided walking tours.
Seven of us went, and being that six out of seven were tour guides, we decided that we could give ourselves the tour!
It took about three and a half hours (a bit too long but I must have gotten a lot of steps in so it was good for the waist line) and we saw so many things I never knew about in NYC. Did you know that the term “Slumming” originated from wealthy people in Manhattan hire Irish police offers to take them on tours of The Five Points?
It was a great activity to do with friends as we could chat between stops. Between the history and my friends I barely noticed all the exercise I was getting (until the walk was over and my feet hurt). I would recommend the book and the walk to anyone who wants to learn the history of New York while getting to see it.
Day 18: Write a “Bucket List” for Turning 30
It seems I got a little behind in posting although I have been doing my one new thing a day, so all you lucky readers get three posts today.
I’m turning 29 this week. I don’t think I’m old at all but I have noticed that I’m suddenly an adult and I have no idea when this happened! When did all night parties and eating 5-pizzas after finishing a term paper turn into paying bills and watching my weight? It just happened – Life just happens.
I want to set up some defined goals to meet before I turn 30 because as Ferris Buller says “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could just miss it.”
How does this have to do with weight loss? Having clear purposes allows you to set goals and baby steps to reach those goals. Knowing what you want and don’t want out of life helps define these goals.
Writing this list proved harder than I thought but here’s what I’ve come up with so far.
Be able to run a mile in under 10 minutes with out stopping. (This is something I could do in middle school and I know I could do again with some dedication and training.)
Maintain my goal weight. (I’ve been told over and over it’s not all about the numbers. At this point I don’t have an exact weight I want to be but I know I want to be able to maintain that weight.)
Cook a nice meal with no help and no meltdowns – I don’t think an explanation is needed.
Learn how to apply make- up. (I know how to wear makeup and I can put it on. But I would like to learn how to do “smoky eyes and dewy cheeks”.)
Keep a plan alive. (Yes, I killed the herbs. They weren’t 100% dead and I watered them every other day! One was turning all brown and the other had mold in the soil. Damn you brown thumb!)
Love my hair! (Anyone who knows me knows I don’t love my hair but here’s the thing – it’s the only hair I’ve got. So I want to embrace it and love it!)
I’ve got a little over a year to start working – here it goes!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 17: Write on the Weight Watchers Message Boards
Can you believe the month is half over? Where does the time go?
Today my challenge was to explore and write on the Weight Watchers online message board.
Weight Watchers has an amazing online application with recipes, advice, articles and message boards. Anyone who subscribes to "E-Tools" can write on the message board that there are posts on all different topics - weight loss strategy, fitness tips, favorite foods, etc . . .
I've NEVER used the message boards which is crazy because I pay for the online services so today I posted a thread. I have about 10 lbs to lose and just don't seem to be motivated. All my clothes fit which is part of the problem. Granted this is a good thing but the reason I first joined Weight Watchers is because my clothes didn't fit and it was a great kick in the pants to shed some pounds. Now that they fit I'm in limbo - not losing, not gaining. I’ve tried to jump start by going to the gym, starting a blog but I'm still at a bit of a loss.
Hopefully the good members of Weight Watchers can help me and I would love any advice from you as well! It's very personal to throw a problem out to the world but I'm hoping that the advice I receive will be worth it!
**Remember to send me your healthy recipes!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day 16: Meditate
Breath in . . . what am I going to eat for dinner? Breath out . . . I can’t believe my DVR erased all by shows! Breath in . . . did I send that email before I left work? Breath out . . . I really want a new purse!
That was me trying to meditate.
I looked up how to do it online and it all seemed so simple. Find a quite place – check! Sit on the ground – check! Breath in and out from your abdomen – check! Clear your mind of all thoughts – WHAT?!
I found the whole “letting your mind go blank” thing really hard and something that most likely takes practice. Who knew this blog would be so hard? Making yourself a healthier, positive person takes work and dedication.
I might not ever be able to master meditation but setting aside 15 minutes at the end of the day to relax, let go, and center on what’s important in life is very beneficial.
Looks like this is turning into one knew things a day – changes for a lifetime.
Day 15: Gather New Recipes
Yesterday was crazy. I was tired, irritable and slammed at work so I’m going to come out and say it – I didn’t do something new. Damn you life for getting in the way again!
So today I’m going to do two new things.
Most of you probably received an email about my recipe exchange. If you didn’t read below:
Good afternoon!
As I'm sure most of you know I am mid-way thru my amazing blog - (you know because you're reading it) and today my new thing is to gather recipes from friends and family.
Here's what I'm looking for:
Any recipe you have that's healthy and some what easy to make.
I'm going to combine them all into a book (complete with the Weight Watcher points for each recipe). Please make sure to give credit if it's not your original recipe.
If you would like a copy of the recipes once I'm done please let me know in your email.
Please forward this to anyone who might like to participate.
If I could get all recipes by 9/25 (next Friday) that would be awesome! Thanks for your help!Meredith
For me, staying with a healthy life style requires change. I think added some new recipes to my collection will be a great way to stay satisfied while eating healthy. It will also help improve my cooking skills.
I’m really excited to see what everyone emails me.
Stay tunred later today for my 2nd new thing – meditation!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Day 14: No Cursing
I curse like a sailor.
It's not cool, it's not lady like, it's just plain vulgar!
I don't know when I turned into such a potty mouth but it's something I would like to work on.
Are you thinking - what does this have to do with weight loss? Well I'm trying pretty hard to live a positive life. Good thoughts and intentions will lead to good results. When I scream profanities I'm just throwing out negative energy into the world.
This might be a bunch of baloney but it's worth a shot.
12:01 am and so far so good. Like thinking positive and standing up straight I have to be very conscious of what I say but I think I can do it.
Day 13: Go To The Cloisters
I have lived in the New York City area for over five years and there are so many things I haven’t explored.
This Sunday was a gorgeous, sunny day so we woke up and went to The Cloisters.
According to Wikipedia, “The Cloisters is the branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art dedicated to the art and architecture of the European Middle Ages. The Cloisters is located in New York City specifically Fort Tyron Park near the northern tip of Manhattan island on a hill overlooking the Hudson River. The Cloisters include the museum building and the adjacent four acres.”

We had a fantastic time. I found it amazing that such beautiful and intricate works of art were produced such a long time ago. The buildings that house the art were created to look like those of the Middle Ages and in fact some of the artifacts (stones, arches, etc) were worked into the construction of The Cloisters.

Weaving in and out of different rooms we spent about two hours covering the entire museum and thus getting lots of steps in. A key part to Weight Watchers is to “Move More”. This doesn’t have to be running a marathon or spending five hours at the gym. Taking a couple of hours to walk thru a museum is sure better than sitting on your couch watching TV. By going to The Cloisters I experienced something new while getting a low-impact work out.
Day 12: Work On My Posture
I have AWFUL posture. I think I would be a good two inches taller if I just didn’t slouch but for some reason this has always been really hard for me. I don’t want to look like The Hunch Back of Notre Dame so I thought I should work on standing up straight.
If you google “Good Posture” you will find numerous links stating that good posture will help reduce back pain. There are how to’s on standing up straight and exercise you can do to improve your posture.
If you then google “Good Posture Thin” guess what . . . standing up straight makes you look thinner! This comes as no surprise to me – celebrities and models have amazing posture and look thin. Not only does good posture make you look leaner and longer but confident as well. It’s a small adjustment that can help so much.
For me slouching is the norm. I noticed that I really have to be conscious of standing up straight or even sitting up straight. We were in the car and I noticed I was hunched over so I made the effort to sit up. Five minutes later I noticed I was hunched over again. I don’t think this is a behavior I can change over night. I think it’s something I will have to work on every day.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Day 11: Try A New Hair Cut
Changing your look can give you a fresh confidence and perhaps get you out of a rut.
Every woman wants to feel beautiful and sometimes that requires making an extra effort to put your best style foot forward every day.
I have great style. Not to toot my own horn but I love putting outfits together and know what works for my body.
When it comes to my hair I’m a disaster. Aside from having the hair of a 3-year-old baby (think thin and not a lot of it) I also have no clue on how to style it to look posh. If I manage to make the front look good the back looks like I slept on it. My hair has a life of it’s own and hates to be controlled. I find every morning to be a battle and half the time I just give in and leave the house with my hair looking like a rats nest.
Enter hair guru Max Ryan.
Max knows my hair challenges and embraces them. He gives it to my straight on the cuts I can’t have while pointing out the plus side of my hair situation.
After my wedding I cut my hair into a short pixie cut (it was shoulder length). I got a lot of complements but just didn’t feel that it was 100% right for me. This time we decided to change it up. The back is a shaved, short bob and easily falls into place making my morning a bit less stressful. The front is a bit longer and very sleek. We even made me blonder.
I LOVE my new cut. It makes me feel confident. When I feel good about myself I find it easier to let the little things go and concentrate on my weight loss.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 10: Try A New “Smart Ones”
Let’s face it, there are mornings when you don’t want to get out of bed and just can’t muster the energy to pack a lunch. I get it. This is me at least once a week. It would be so easy to throw in the towel and eat some calorie packed lunch from McDonalds but this won’t help my long term goals or my thighs.
To avoid saying “I have nothing to eat so I might was well eat whatever I want” I keep a stock pile of Smart Ones microwavable meals in both my home and office freezer. Combined with a piece of fruit of some carrots these meals will usually get me thru until dinner.
There’s one catch to this plan. I only like two of the Smart Ones meals – Chicken Enchiladas Suiza and Baked Ziti. I find them both delicious and pretty close to the real thing. (**A disclaimer to all my Texas friends and family: I have not had REAL Tex-Mex in almost a year so I might have forgotten how delicious it is.) Although these are both great choices I am getting a bit bored.
I have tried other “flavors” including the Mac & Cheese (I found it bland), Turkey and Mashed Potatoes (looked gross and the taste matched) and Four-Cheese Ravioli (which I liked but ate almost every day until I almost turned into a Ravioli). I don’t want to risk ODing on enchiladas and ziti too, so today I tried a new smart ones – Chicken Carbonara.
I went in with a positive outlook: the photo on the box looked appetizing and the smell coming from the microwave made my stomach growl. Even the way it looked after I removed the film cover was appealing. Bottom line this meal was only ok. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great. It was a solid B-. Would I eat it again? As it was only 5 points and decent - yes. Would it be the first thing I craved on a bad day? No.
The overall point of this blog is that new things can improve weight loss. Mixing up what you eat and your exercise routine can really put a stop to a plateau. In the future I know I have another meal that can satisfy my hunger and I think I’ll try another new one next week.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Day 9: Start A New Routine At The Gym & Clothes/Stuff Swap
6:10am is so early – especially when you know you have to go to the gym.
I’ve been going to the gym three times a week for about four weeks now. First I tried to go at night but found that I was tired or irritable from the day and either talked myself out of going or didn’t get that much out of my workout. I decided to go in the morning because it starts the day off right and gives me a feeling of accomplishment – even if it’s before 7am.
I wanted to change things up and like an angel my wonderful sister-in-law, KK, sent me a link to a new workout routine that focuses on arms. Oh my arms, I work and I work and they jiggle and they jiggle. It seems my triceps will always be a mess of flab but then KK told me in only three weeks she started to see results with this amazing routine from Self Magazine.
After watching the video demonstration numerous times I decided today was the morning to start working towards my new amazing arms. I’m not going to lie, I found the circuit really hard. I only had 5 lb weights which I think were a bit too heavy (they say 3 lb max) and each exercise worked numerous muscles. The moves were very intense and detailed so it might help to have the video handy when you do them. I’m definitely going to invest in 3 lb weights and stick with this routine as in 30-40 minutes I got a great arm, abs and butt workout! Not I just have to be patient and wait for the results to come.
Due to my brief departure from blogging I am doing two new things today – the second is a clothes swap with friends.
I still have clothes from high school (10+ years ago) in my closet that I convince myself I can wear. Aside from the fact that they’re too small some of them are severely out of style – like a denim skort from The Gap. I got rid of all the clothes that are too big for me. As I am never going back to that weight there is no point in keeping the memories around. I also got rid of things that I never wear or make me feel bad about myself when I put them on. Who knows – they might look great on someone else?
The clothes swap has expanded into an everything swap – books, jewelry, bags, kitchen gadgets. Cleaning out your closet is very therapeutic. The less junk and clutter you have in your home the more organized you will be. Feeling organized allows you to feel in control which helps me with making wise choices when eating.
A little plug for Weight Watchers Lose For Good: Clean out your pantry this month and donate the can goods you haven’t used and most likely will never use to a local food bank. You can go a step further and donate winter coats that don’t fit to those who will benefit from them this winter.
Pictures from the swap will be posted tomorrow.
Day 8: Cook A Food That Scares You & Plant/Buy Fresh Herbs
I love eating out.
There is nothing like sitting down to a delicious meal at a nice restaurant with the knowledge you will not have to cook or clean at all. There are foods I love and would have NO CLUE how to cook and the thought of attempting to cook it gives me hives. One of these foods is risotto.
(In case you didn’t know Risotto is a traditional Italian rice dish according to Wikipedia.)
Risotto is usually creamy, cheesy, goodness with some vegetables and proteins mixed in. I have always been under the impression that it is both unhealthy (due to the creamy, cheesy goodness) and impossible to make (due to the technique). When I found a recipe on Weight Watcher’s etools for only 7 points for 1.5 cups I summoned my inner Italian for a night of what I thought might be culinary hell.
The process of making risotto is very detailed and time consuming. I am not a parent but feel it might be like watching a two-year-old in a house of breakable figurines – you must be in a state of constant vigil! The process took about 40 minutes and involved a lot of stirring (does that count as strength training) and adding in chicken broth, then stirring again. Basically there is not one second during the cooking that you can stop stirring. When I thought my arm could not make one more rotation I was done. With a mixture of fear and excitement I tasted the finished product only to discover that I too could create creamy, cheesy goodness! Not only was it delicious but it was healthy.
Last night I looked fear (in the form of rice) in the face and came out the other side a master of Italian cooking – or maybe just a ordinary girl who can now add risotto to her culinary repertoire. I felt good! (See pictures below. The Risotto is paired with Scallops.)

The second new thing on my list was to plan fresh herbs. Herbs can make all the difference when cooking healthy because they add so much flavor with no additional calories or fat. So why not have my own supply of fresh herbs?
The answer is that I have a brown thumb. Literally I kill all green things I come in contact with including cacti. This combined with living in a city high-rise persuaded me to buy already potted Basil and Mint plants from the grocery store.
At first I felt that I had cheated a bit but I realized that this was still new to me and would be a huge challenge to keep them alive. Once we got home Chip said to me; “in the spirit of the blog I am not going to touch those plants” then gave me a look a parent gives to a 7-year-old when they get their first goldfish. As he witnessed the cacti’s slow and painful death I guess he can judge me.
I am confident that with the help of the directions that came with Mint and Basil I can keep them alive and use their little flavorful leaves in recipes to come. That doesn’t mean I would refuse any blog comments questioning their health or reminding me to water them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 6 and 7 - OOOPPPSSS
I might not have been derailed Saturday but Sunday and Monday I was.
Sunday I had grand plans of cooking an all Weight Watchers meal for friends . . . however, when we woke up we found the weather to be cool and nasty which resulted in us going to the bar around noon. You can guess the rest from there. I did do new things on Sunday - drank sweet tea with vodka, tried out the batting cages (I'm quite good) and went thru the boardwalk fun house but I'm not sure any of these work for this blog and I’m not going to pretend they do.
Needless to say no one felt great on Monday and after a long car ride from The Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to The Upper West Side to Jersey City I was in no way up for a day at the gym.
Am I disappointed? A bit.
But so far on this journey I've learned that staying positive will get me where I need to be and that you can always turn things around. I had a GREAT holiday weekend.
Today I will get back on the plan.
Please look for 2 new things a day on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Day 5: Go On A Bike Ride
I woke up Saturday morning at The Jersey Shore with every intention of taking a bike ride with Sam and Chip. I think the last time I rode a bike I was a child so taking an adult bike ride would be totally new to me. We located the bikes in the garage only to notice the air in the tires were low and there was no pump to be found. What was I to do?!
Scrambling for an idea we decided to go on a walk thru the neighborhood to look at houses.
Are you saying - "but you've already taken a walk - this isn't new!”
First - I usually do not take walks, ride bikes, run or do any type of physical exertion on vacation - so the fact that by 9:30 am I was up and walking was a very good thing. Second, although I've been to the shore many times I've never really explored the neighborhood.
We ended up walking for about an hour and it was lovely. We commented on the houses we like and which ones we would by if we had the funds. The time went by fast and because it was early it wasn't that hot.
All in all, I proud of myself for not letting the fact that my plan got derailed ruin my goal.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Day 4: Try A New Recipe
Day 4: Try A New Recipe
I’m going to tell it to you straight: I’m not the best cook. I have wonderful intentions of being compared to Julia Childs but I am more on par with a seven year old with safety scissors and too much glue.
I tend to freak out in the kitchen. I don’t read the recipe before the grocery store resulting in a missing ingredient. Midway thru cooking there is usually a meltdown when more than one pot is bubbling or two timers are going off at once. In the end I scream to Chip who effortlessly comes in to save the day and our dinner.
As I want to be a better chef and lose weight I find it necessary to keep challenging my cooking skills and trying new things, hence today’s post.
Tonight I made a mango relish that will accompany the grilled shrimp I’m serving on Sunday for my “Cook A Healthy Meal For Friends” day. (I’ve enticed you to come back and read more haven’t I?)
The relish consists of mango (obviously), red pepper, green pepper, red onion, garlic and some other ingredients that did not require chopping. Ahhhhh, chopping which requires some sort of knife skill – something I lack. As yesterday was “think positive day” I don’t want to completely rule myself out as a culinary contender – my knife skills have gotten much better over the years and recipes like this are the reason why. After 30-40 minutes of intense dicing, chopping and cubing my relish was complete, colorful and delicious.
Trying new things, both in and out of the kitchen, can keep you from boredom and on the right track to losing weight and staying happy. I look forward to sharing my new creation on Sunday.
**Please note that I will be at The Shore until Monday and not able to post due to the lack of internet access. I have not forsaken you and process many good posts and even some photos when I get back. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Day 3: Think Positive
I’m perfect so this should be easy.
Are you laughing too?
My goal is to try and think only positive thoughts – I know this is an impossible task so when I have a negative thought I’m going to do what my friend Jenn calls “reset”. I’ll think about the thought – is it important? Why did I have that thought? And then just LET IT GO!
You might be asking yourself “what does this have to do with weight loss”. The answer – everything. Weight loss is a very mental process. It’s easy to beat yourself up, talk yourself into eating a box of Oreos or tell yourself that you’re not worth it. When you get down to it if you tell yourself you can – you usually can. So here it goes – I CAN be a positive person.
Let’s recap my first 3 hours of today.
I woke up at 6:37am – felt good and was ready to walk the “long way” to work.
I take a daily fiber supplement in the morning; it’s a powder you mix with water. On the way in last night I recalled seeing a sign in my lobby that said “Water pipe burst in Jersey City, boiling water before drinking”. Granted this sign was half hidden in the corner and has no dates on it but I wasn’t taking any chances. I decided to boil water while I took a brisk five-minute shower. I jumped out of the shower to the blistering whistle of the tea kettle, ran thru the apartment dripping wet and turned off the burner. I wasn’t happy.
When I got back into the bathroom to dry my hair I attempted to “reset”. Was this that big of a deal? No. Had it taken that much time? No. Did it ruin my day? No. If anything I gave the building next door a little show when my towel slipped down. This was actually funny and not worth the anger at all . . . So I LET IT GO.
I repeated these steps with a few more things – what sweater to wear to the US Open tonight (nothing matched), what I would bring for lunch, my legs hurting while walking, and each time I realized that it was just easier to LET IT GO.
I would like to think that the positive vibes I’m putting out into the universe are the reason I got a seat on the train this morning (helping my tired legs) and invited to a delicious free lunch (solving the what to eat problem).
This positivity thing might just be a good thing.
More later . . .
5:17pm - minor freak out - VERY MINOR. You know when you're at work and things come up in the last hour before you leave and you think "why couldn't this have come sooner"? Well that's what just happened – with less than 30 minutes of work. Channeling Nancy Kerrigan I shrieked “WHY ME” and began to feel a great deal of self pity. But wait, today positivity will win out . . . I quickly caught myself and regained my self-composure and dignity. I chanted “It's only work, it’s only work.” I'm not a doctor or a lawyer, peoples lives are not in my hands. So is it worth it to get upset? NO. Will this matter to me in an hour? NO. Overall my life is good, I'm healthy, have a job, loving family and friends and the most amazing husband so what did I do . . . LET IT GO!
With a little bit of practice I might get the hang of this.
Off to The US Open for a fun-filled night of tennis with great friends.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Day 2: Vegan For A Day
Good morning and welcome to Day 2 where I will be eating Vegan all day long!
According to Wikipedia; Veganism is a diet and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose.[1][2] Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind. This means no meat, dairy, honey etc.
I have two friends who are Vegans and thought I would put myself in their shoes for a day. I planned ahead with recipes and I realized the only thing I didn’t have was dessert. One thing I must have daily is chocolate.
On the way to work I stopped at the corner CVS to pick up a dark chocolate bar. I checked the back of at least 10 different brands and only two didn’t have milk in them but did have Cocoa Butter. When the word “butter” is used I immediately think of the creamy dairy goodness I love to spread on a bagel. I might not know the ins and outs of Veganism (as all the shoes I own have leather somewhere on them) but I do know that butter is not kosher in the Vegan World. Not wanting to waste $4.00 on something I couldn’t eat I came into work to do some research.
According to Wikipedia Cocoa butter, also called theobroma oil or theobroma cacao, is a pale-yellow, pure edible vegetable fat extracted from the cacao bean. I deciphered this to mean plant = vegan = chocolate I can eat today. Crisis averted!
1 Nectarine (1 Weight Watchers point)
½ cup of dry Fiber 1 Cereal (0 Weight Watchers point) **I checked and this is indeed Vegan
LUNCH: 1 baby orange (0 Weight Watchers Points)
1 Mission Tortilla (It's Vegan, I checked) (2 Weight Watchers Points)
2oz of hummus (2 Weight Watchers Points)
Grilled onions and peppers (0 Weight Watchers Points)
1 square of Ghirardelli "Intense Dark Chocolate" (1 Weight Watchers Point)
The hummus and veggie wrap was much better than i expected. I feel full, happy and satisfied. The chocolate that I was so excited about was disappointing. It was very bitter but in the end still helped my craving.
I get 20 Weight Watchers points a day and so far I've only used 6 - this is way less than on a normal day.
4:15pm and I still feel FANTASTIC. It's great to be able to eat and feel full. By this time I'm usually hungry again and craving bad foods. With so many points left I was able to eat a fantastic snack that usually wouldn't fit in my points budget.
SNACK: 1/4 cup of almonds (3 points)
I arrived home around 7pm and got to work on Dinner. I made Spicy Stir-Fried Tofu With Bok Choy or Baby Broccoli - click here to see the recipe
This was a stretch in my cooking abilities but a great challenge - after a few minor burns from sizzling peanut oil and a small cut with a super sharp knife I managed to make a healthy dinner for myself. I was a bit weary of the tofu - the strange consistency gave me the creeps - but it turned out to be pretty good. I've decided that I don't care for Asian flavors and that's why I didn't LOVE this dinner. Chip thought it was delicious. See photos below.

This might blow y'all out of the water but I also found that my cravings were not as strong today. I knew what I could eat, stuck with it and it worked. I guess that's why I'm trying new things hun?
To follow up with a comment that was made. I do work-out. This week I've been waking up early and walking "the long way" to work from the PATH station. This consists of a 25-minute walk. Stay-tuned next Monday when I try a new circuit training program.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day 1: Meet a Friend for a FREE, Non-Food Related Outing
When I plan a get-together with friends, the email subject line is usually one of the following:
7pm Dinner at “Deliousness Fat-Filled Tapas Bar”
Let’s grab drinks on Thursday for Happy Hour! I hear they make an awesome sugar-filled Mojito.
Come over to my place for girly movies and a tub of cookie dough – perhaps after a few drinks, we can order pizza!
When I arrive at so-called event with my journal in tow (part of Weight Watchers is to record all the “points” you eat during the day), I realize that nothing I’ve planned gels with what I can healthily eat and be happy with. I then spiral into the “it’s not fair mode” and wish I could eat whatever I wanted, and wonder why I can’t. As the organizer of said event, does that mean I’m guilty of self-sabotage?
When I get down to it, I hardly ever meet friends for an activity that doesn’t involve food. If I manage to find an activity void of food temptation, it’s usually expensive – shopping, a movie (which 99% of the time means buttered popcorn), etc. That’s the breaks of living in New York, right? WRONG. My goal tonight is to meet up with a friend for a non-food related activity that’s free.
At 7pm, I’m meeting Gillian at the South end of Central Park to embark on an hour long walk. I’ve lived in the NYC area for over five years and have been to Central Park approximately 10 times – eight of those instances were to sun bath in Sheeps Meadow. That being said, I’ve never even seen some of the park and look forward to catching up with Gillian.
I’ll be back after the conclusion of my first, new adventure!
My biggest reservation going into this was “I don’t have enough time”. Can you say EXCUSE?! What would I have done if I hadn’t met Gillian for a walk? Most likely I would have sat on the couch watching HGTV eating fat free ice cream. By trying something new I ended up having a delightful evening with a friend and didn’t spend a dime!
I think this is something that anyone in any town can do. Grab a friend and stroll thru a neighborhood with beautiful homes, if it’s raining hit the mall (window shopping only ladies) or use your lunch break for a 30-minute walk. Bottom line, walking is a great workout and free. Getting outside and meeting a friend can brighten your mood and get rid of the workweek’s tension. So grab your walking shoes and a friend and give it a go!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tomorrow It Begins
A little background . . . over the past four years I have spent a good amount of time taking off weight and putting it back on. After losing over 30 lbs I got married to a wonderful man, Chip, and gained 15 of it back. Now I'm on round two of weight loss to get back to my goal weight.
I wish I could tell you that I'm the girl who gets up in the morning runs five miles, looks perfect and then decides a nectarine is the breakfast that would be totally satisfying but I'm not. I wake up - force myself into the gym for 30 minutes, scramble to leave the house on time and crave a sausage egg and cheese. Luckily I have some help - Weight Watchers. For those of you not familiar with the program WW members meet weekly to weight in and discuss topics ranging from weight loss obstacles, how to "move more" and everything in between. Every member is assigned a number of "points" they can eat daily. As I'm not great with the details or the math I will let Wikipedia answer how we get our daily points:
Weight Watchers implemented the Momentum Plan on December 7, 2008. The cornerstone of the plan is the proprietary Points formula, which allocates each food a value based on its calories, fat, and fiber. Members are allocated a certain number of points each day based on their height, current weight, age, and activity level. Members are also allowed 35 optional Points each week. Finally, members earn additional Points through exercise. These "Activity Points" are calculated based on the member's weight and the duration and intensity of the activity. Activity Points previously had to be consumed on the day that they were earned or they were lost; with the Momentum plan, they can be eaten on any day during the week.
I have been living with points for over three years and I know what I can and can't eat - not that I always stick to that. Recently I've noticed I'm having a hard time losing weight. I don't think I'm gorging myself with M&Ms or hot dogs. I've even started a new gym routine to get more fit. It just seems that I'm stuck. I've thought long and hard about WHY I can't move forward and the problem is BOREDOM! I've hit a plateau and I need to shake things up.
So here's where this blog comes in. For the next month I will do one new thing a day that promotes weight loss - it can be food related, work-out related, mind related - anything to get my to my goal. I have 10 more lbs to lose and I want to have fun while I do it. (Please note that I'm not optimistic enough to think this entire process will be fun but I though I would give it a go.)
So check in daily to see what crazy situations I will get myself into.