Now that my 30 days are done I want to expand my blogging to life beyond "eating well". This doesn't mean that I still won't post about new things, Weight Watchers and a healthy lifestyle - that is part of my life and I want to share it with you!
If you go to you'll be able to see my new blog and start following "al things lovely".
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day 30: Shopping Sales
Day 30: Shopping Sales
A couple of weeks ago I was at my local A&P Grocery Store and noticed the lady in front of me saved $30!
If you’re like my groceries add up, especially when trying to eat healthy. Most weeks I save about five dollars using coupons or my A&P card. This week I wanted to see if I could save more.
On Friday I went to and looked thru the circular listing sale items. I made my list and planned out my weekly recipes around these items. I found it hard to weed thru the items and only pick the ones I knew we would eat. As Chip says “don’t buy it if we don’t need it”.
My weekly menu is as follows:
Monday – Steak with Asparagus. Both items were on sale and I wouldn’t normally cook steak. I found a Weight Watchers recipe for the steak and it’s only 6 points per serving
Tuesday – Salad topped with Chicken. The pre-made salad in a bag was 2 for 5 and the chicken was on sale. I did splurge on some additional items like tomato and avocado.
Wednesday – Crab Cakes with salad. The pre-made crab cakes were on sale for $3.99 each and I’ll use the second bag of salad.
Thursday – Eggs. These weren’t on sale.
I was so proud of myself. Then we checked out. I only saved $5!
I have to admit that I was disappointed my planning didn’t yield more cash-back but in the end I realized that by shopping the sale items I was able to branch out what I would eat for dinner. Normally I would never buy steak or crab cakes but by reading the weekly circular I was given new ideas.
A couple of weeks ago I was at my local A&P Grocery Store and noticed the lady in front of me saved $30!
If you’re like my groceries add up, especially when trying to eat healthy. Most weeks I save about five dollars using coupons or my A&P card. This week I wanted to see if I could save more.
On Friday I went to and looked thru the circular listing sale items. I made my list and planned out my weekly recipes around these items. I found it hard to weed thru the items and only pick the ones I knew we would eat. As Chip says “don’t buy it if we don’t need it”.
My weekly menu is as follows:
Monday – Steak with Asparagus. Both items were on sale and I wouldn’t normally cook steak. I found a Weight Watchers recipe for the steak and it’s only 6 points per serving
Tuesday – Salad topped with Chicken. The pre-made salad in a bag was 2 for 5 and the chicken was on sale. I did splurge on some additional items like tomato and avocado.
Wednesday – Crab Cakes with salad. The pre-made crab cakes were on sale for $3.99 each and I’ll use the second bag of salad.
Thursday – Eggs. These weren’t on sale.
I was so proud of myself. Then we checked out. I only saved $5!
I have to admit that I was disappointed my planning didn’t yield more cash-back but in the end I realized that by shopping the sale items I was able to branch out what I would eat for dinner. Normally I would never buy steak or crab cakes but by reading the weekly circular I was given new ideas.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mixin' It Up!
Mixin’ It Up!
When it comes to food I can act like a 6-year-old. I don’t like things to touch. I like to eat foods in a certain order. The strangest part is that this only applies to food I cook. There are no rules when dining out aside from “I don’t care for mushrooms”.
My morning breakfast usually consists of fruit and a ½ cup of original Fiber 1 Cereal. I eat the fruit first (around 8:45am) and hold out until around 9:15 to eat the dry Fiber 1. I’ve done this same routine for the last two to three years. Needless to say it’s getting old.
I felt inspired this morning. I mixed together cut-up strawberries, ½ cup Fiber 1 and ½ cup of skim milk and ate it all togetherskim milk and ate it all together.
When it comes to food I can act like a 6-year-old. I don’t like things to touch. I like to eat foods in a certain order. The strangest part is that this only applies to food I cook. There are no rules when dining out aside from “I don’t care for mushrooms”.
My morning breakfast usually consists of fruit and a ½ cup of original Fiber 1 Cereal. I eat the fruit first (around 8:45am) and hold out until around 9:15 to eat the dry Fiber 1. I’ve done this same routine for the last two to three years. Needless to say it’s getting old.
I felt inspired this morning. I mixed together cut-up strawberries, ½ cup Fiber 1 and ½ cup of skim milk and ate it all togetherskim milk and ate it all together.
It was a delicious party in my mouth! So many flavors and textures, for once I was excited about breakfast! And the icing on the cake was that it only cost me 2 Weight Watchers points!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dry Feet, Happy Mer
People keep asking me what I’ll do with this blog once my “30 new things” are completed. After pondering this for quite sometime I’ve decided I will keep blogging. I will share with you recipes, fun finds, things that make me happy, weight loss tips and anything others might like to read.
Yes, I still have “Day 30” to complete but in the mean time here’s a brief post.
This will be my 6th winter in NYC. I have worn regular Uggs every winter and thus they have a huge hole in the toe. Snowy, salty streets + soft Uggs = wet feet. I’ve wanted a pair of snow boots for a while but always find some sparkly outfit that I buy instead. (Very responsible I know.)
Last week I took the plunge and found these awesome boots (they look just like a version from Ugg) at Target for around $40!
This winter my feet will stay dry and my spirit will stay happy and healthy.
Yes, I still have “Day 30” to complete but in the mean time here’s a brief post.
This will be my 6th winter in NYC. I have worn regular Uggs every winter and thus they have a huge hole in the toe. Snowy, salty streets + soft Uggs = wet feet. I’ve wanted a pair of snow boots for a while but always find some sparkly outfit that I buy instead. (Very responsible I know.)
Last week I took the plunge and found these awesome boots (they look just like a version from Ugg) at Target for around $40!
This winter my feet will stay dry and my spirit will stay happy and healthy.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bind This!~
Organization makes me happy.
I love lists. Color-coding is my best friend. Checking things off the list is second best to my wedding day.
When I am organized I am happy, less stressed out and thus eat less. This past weekend I started the massive project of organization the dreaded “paper pile”.
Like most New Yorkers I have an apartment with limited space. Much of that space is taken up by stacks of magazines: on the side table, on the coffee table, in the magazine stand, on the floor. I save them because I think I will read them again or they have an interesting article I want to save but most nights I just stare at the mess they cause.
(Side note on what motivated me to be get organized. On Friday I stumbled upon an old college friends blog.
Christi is one of those people I look at and think “you have it all together”. I want to be that person. I took about three hours and read thru her blog. She has wonderful recipes, DIY tips, decorating ideas and lists for days. This inspired me! There are so many projects I’ve wanted to do but somehow each weekend I end up on my couch doing nothing. With a little push I am going to seize control of my life one list at a time, one project at time.)
On Sunday I decided to dive into my first project – the magazines had to go!
Chip gave me a three-ring binder that he wasn’t using and I separated it into tabs: clothing, DIY, make-up, organization, decorating, parties, work-outs, random. I went thru every magazine and tore out pages I wanted to save. (Some issues date back over a year and with a fashion magazine that means the styles are way out of date!) I put each page into the appropriate section and now I have all my ideas saved into one place!

I did this same projects with my Weight Watchers recipes. This will save so much time when I think "what should we have for dinner"?

No, my apartment doesn’t feel like the space of a two-story house but if does feel less cluttered and so does my life.
I love lists. Color-coding is my best friend. Checking things off the list is second best to my wedding day.
When I am organized I am happy, less stressed out and thus eat less. This past weekend I started the massive project of organization the dreaded “paper pile”.
Like most New Yorkers I have an apartment with limited space. Much of that space is taken up by stacks of magazines: on the side table, on the coffee table, in the magazine stand, on the floor. I save them because I think I will read them again or they have an interesting article I want to save but most nights I just stare at the mess they cause.
(Side note on what motivated me to be get organized. On Friday I stumbled upon an old college friends blog.
Christi is one of those people I look at and think “you have it all together”. I want to be that person. I took about three hours and read thru her blog. She has wonderful recipes, DIY tips, decorating ideas and lists for days. This inspired me! There are so many projects I’ve wanted to do but somehow each weekend I end up on my couch doing nothing. With a little push I am going to seize control of my life one list at a time, one project at time.)
On Sunday I decided to dive into my first project – the magazines had to go!
Chip gave me a three-ring binder that he wasn’t using and I separated it into tabs: clothing, DIY, make-up, organization, decorating, parties, work-outs, random. I went thru every magazine and tore out pages I wanted to save. (Some issues date back over a year and with a fashion magazine that means the styles are way out of date!) I put each page into the appropriate section and now I have all my ideas saved into one place!

I did this same projects with my Weight Watchers recipes. This will save so much time when I think "what should we have for dinner"?

No, my apartment doesn’t feel like the space of a two-story house but if does feel less cluttered and so does my life.
Day 28: Clowning Around
So it’s been about a month since I’ve posted. I fell of the “new things” wagon and I feel shame. Hopefully you don’t judge me too much.
Just because I haven’t posted doesn’t mean I haven’t done new things!
On October 13th I went to “Clown School”. It was my good friend Sam’s birthday and for her party we all got lessons on how to be funny. Now yours truly is already funny so this all came pretty easy to me. In high school I was voted “funniest girl senior”. There was also a “wittiest girl senior”. I asked a friend the difference and was told “someone who’s witty says something humorous that people laugh at, where as someone funny does something humorous that people laugh at.” We’re talking physical comedy.
My brand of physical comedy is accidental. I trip, people laugh. My skirt gets blown over my head in rush-hour traffic, people laugh.
Clown School taught us to hone our physical comedy. We did an hours worth of activities all of which we were on our feet, moving around. (I knew you were asking how this promoted weight loss.) Our final project was to do a short clown skit. I paired up with Blaine (who is a comedy genius) and we did “smart clown, dumb clown” and nailed it!
Just because I haven’t posted doesn’t mean I haven’t done new things!
On October 13th I went to “Clown School”. It was my good friend Sam’s birthday and for her party we all got lessons on how to be funny. Now yours truly is already funny so this all came pretty easy to me. In high school I was voted “funniest girl senior”. There was also a “wittiest girl senior”. I asked a friend the difference and was told “someone who’s witty says something humorous that people laugh at, where as someone funny does something humorous that people laugh at.” We’re talking physical comedy.
My brand of physical comedy is accidental. I trip, people laugh. My skirt gets blown over my head in rush-hour traffic, people laugh.
Clown School taught us to hone our physical comedy. We did an hours worth of activities all of which we were on our feet, moving around. (I knew you were asking how this promoted weight loss.) Our final project was to do a short clown skit. I paired up with Blaine (who is a comedy genius) and we did “smart clown, dumb clown” and nailed it!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 27: Go To The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Day 27: Go To The Metropolitan Museum of Art
I thought I had never been to The Met but my mom reminded me I had when I was young. I don’t remember so this counts as new.
I didn’t realize how massive The Met was. You could spend multiple days in there and not see everything, meaning you could probably walk multiple miles and not see everything.

Chip and I only had a few hours so we went to the 19th and 20th Century wing – we both really like impressionism. We also went to the Egyptian and American wings.
We were both very sore from the party the day before. I mean VERY sore. Just walking thru the museum hurt and going out and down all the stairs was brutal. In high school there was a sign in the gym that read “Pain is weakness leaving your body”. Is this is true my body couldn’t be weaker.
I enjoyed the museum but would recommend going on a day or time where it wasn’t crowded. A rainy, Sunday afternoon was probably not the best time to go.
Walking around The Met was good physical and mental exercise. I can’t believe I’ve lived in NYC over five years and it’s taken me so long to go.
I thought I had never been to The Met but my mom reminded me I had when I was young. I don’t remember so this counts as new.
I didn’t realize how massive The Met was. You could spend multiple days in there and not see everything, meaning you could probably walk multiple miles and not see everything.

Chip and I only had a few hours so we went to the 19th and 20th Century wing – we both really like impressionism. We also went to the Egyptian and American wings.
We were both very sore from the party the day before. I mean VERY sore. Just walking thru the museum hurt and going out and down all the stairs was brutal. In high school there was a sign in the gym that read “Pain is weakness leaving your body”. Is this is true my body couldn’t be weaker.
I enjoyed the museum but would recommend going on a day or time where it wasn’t crowded. A rainy, Sunday afternoon was probably not the best time to go.
Walking around The Met was good physical and mental exercise. I can’t believe I’ve lived in NYC over five years and it’s taken me so long to go.
Day 26: Act Like A Kid
Day 26: Act Like A Kid
Today is my 29th birthday (9/26) and what better way to celebrate than act like a kid!
For our birthdays Chip and I had a party at Chelsea Piers which included; pedestal jousting, dodge ball, gymnastics, rock climbing and an obstacle course!

We had 22 people in attendance and I think everyone had a blast although no one realized how hard it would all be.
The games were fun and reminiscent of a middle school field day. The jousting let us beat the crap out of each other while laughing at the same time.
For our birthdays Chip and I had a party at Chelsea Piers which included; pedestal jousting, dodge ball, gymnastics, rock climbing and an obstacle course!

We had 22 people in attendance and I think everyone had a blast although no one realized how hard it would all be.
The games were fun and reminiscent of a middle school field day. The jousting let us beat the crap out of each other while laughing at the same time.
I was shocked to find out that dodge ball is no longer played with those red rubber balls but nerf balls instead. After one round of dodge ball most people were winded. The gymnastic was swinging on a rope and landing into a pit and I don’t think I need to explain rock climbing.
The next day I was SO sore it was hard to walk, sleep and even eat. Every part of my body hurt – even places I didn’t know existed.
I can’t believe I got such a great work out playing kids games. The two hours went by really fast and I had a great time!
I can’t believe I got such a great work out playing kids games. The two hours went by really fast and I had a great time!
Day 25: Score TWO goals at soccer
Day 25: Score TWO goals at soccer
Obviously this wasn’t planned but it’s a new thing for me and I’m super excited about it.
I’ve been playing on a coed soccer team on and off for the last 3+ years. In that time I can count on one hand the number of goals I’ve scored total (and I play forward).
I continue playing because it’s a fun way to hang out with friends and a good work out. Last season I started walking from my office (42nd and 2nd) to the field (23rd and West Side Highway) which adds to the “activity points”.
Friday night I was on fire. I played as if my body was possessed by Beckham. I had moves I’ve never seen – headers, two goals, two almost goals. I’m still sore from all the fantasticness.
It felt good to play well. Eating well and working out help me with my stamina which makes me a better player. I hope I can play this well next game.
Obviously this wasn’t planned but it’s a new thing for me and I’m super excited about it.
I’ve been playing on a coed soccer team on and off for the last 3+ years. In that time I can count on one hand the number of goals I’ve scored total (and I play forward).
I continue playing because it’s a fun way to hang out with friends and a good work out. Last season I started walking from my office (42nd and 2nd) to the field (23rd and West Side Highway) which adds to the “activity points”.
Friday night I was on fire. I played as if my body was possessed by Beckham. I had moves I’ve never seen – headers, two goals, two almost goals. I’m still sore from all the fantasticness.
It felt good to play well. Eating well and working out help me with my stamina which makes me a better player. I hope I can play this well next game.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day 22 (Make-Up): Make a new work-out playlist
Day 22 (Make-Up): Make a new work-out playlist
I like to work out to angry music. Think Metallica, Guns ‘N Roses, Drowning Pool – you get the points. It makes me run harder and feel tough.
But there are some days when I just want a light work-out – a walk, the bike, etc . . . on these days I want to feel good about working out and feel happy. So I’ve decided to put together a Pop-Tunes Work-Out Mix.
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Party In the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus
Circus by Britney Spears
I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Poker Face by Lady GaGa
Just A Girl by No Doubt
Womanizer by Britney Spears
Not only do I have the start of an awesome play-list but I love the fact it’s all female artists!
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
I like to work out to angry music. Think Metallica, Guns ‘N Roses, Drowning Pool – you get the points. It makes me run harder and feel tough.
But there are some days when I just want a light work-out – a walk, the bike, etc . . . on these days I want to feel good about working out and feel happy. So I’ve decided to put together a Pop-Tunes Work-Out Mix.
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Party In the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus
Circus by Britney Spears
I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Poker Face by Lady GaGa
Just A Girl by No Doubt
Womanizer by Britney Spears
Not only do I have the start of an awesome play-list but I love the fact it’s all female artists!
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Day 24: Bake WW Dessert For Co-Workers
Day 24: Bake WW Dessert For Co-Workers
I LOVE to bake. Usually I bake a tasty treat made with at least two sticks of butter and a good deal of flour and sugar. Decoded – not good for you.
To try and save my waistline I attempt to eat one or two and bring the rest to work.
My office is full constantly broke, starving twenty-somethings who are more than happy to eat anything free. Needless to say baked goods don’t last long. The one catch to this is that things that are good for you are never taken. I once witness a peach sit on the communal counter for 4 days. It started out beautifully peachy and ended up brown and rotted. Bottom line healthy is not popular.
Today I brought in Weight Watchers Caramel cookies that I made last night. I didn’t tell anyone they were Weight Watchers knowing they would be turned off.
I put the bag down at 8:30 am and immediately three people grabbed cookies. Everyone thought they were good and asked about the recipe – I dodged giving an answer I didn’t want to spoil their sugary treat.

By 10:10 am two-thirds of the bag was gone.
By 1:55 there was one cookie left.

Looks like everyone loved the cookies – “healthy” or not. I thought they were tasty and felt a little bit better about myself knowing they weren’t as calorie-packed as your average baked good!
I LOVE to bake. Usually I bake a tasty treat made with at least two sticks of butter and a good deal of flour and sugar. Decoded – not good for you.
To try and save my waistline I attempt to eat one or two and bring the rest to work.
My office is full constantly broke, starving twenty-somethings who are more than happy to eat anything free. Needless to say baked goods don’t last long. The one catch to this is that things that are good for you are never taken. I once witness a peach sit on the communal counter for 4 days. It started out beautifully peachy and ended up brown and rotted. Bottom line healthy is not popular.
Today I brought in Weight Watchers Caramel cookies that I made last night. I didn’t tell anyone they were Weight Watchers knowing they would be turned off.
I put the bag down at 8:30 am and immediately three people grabbed cookies. Everyone thought they were good and asked about the recipe – I dodged giving an answer I didn’t want to spoil their sugary treat.

By 10:10 am two-thirds of the bag was gone.
By 1:55 there was one cookie left.

Looks like everyone loved the cookies – “healthy” or not. I thought they were tasty and felt a little bit better about myself knowing they weren’t as calorie-packed as your average baked good!
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